Alfred Rosenberg (1893–1946) was a significant figure in Nazi Germany, known for his role in developing the party’s racial and anti-Semitic ideology. He was an early member of the Nazi Party and authored “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” which outlined his beliefs in Aryan superiority and anti-Semitism. Rosenberg held the position of Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories during World War II, overseeing policies in the Soviet Union. After the war, he was tried at the Nuremberg Trials, convicted of war crimes, and executed in 1946.

Alfred Rosenberg

Alfred Rosenberg (1893–1946) was a significant figure in Nazi Germany, known for his role in developing the party’s racial and anti-Semitic ideology. He was an early member of the Nazi Party and authored “The Myth of the Twentieth Century,” which outlined his beliefs in Aryan superiority and anti-Semitism. Rosenberg held the position of Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories during World War II, overseeing policies in the Soviet Union. After the war, he was tried at the Nuremberg Trials, convicted of war crimes, and executed in 1946.