Showing all 3 results

  • Frederick Soddy

    Understanding the fundamentals of economic and monetary principles

    • The Role of Money – what it should be contrasted with what it has become
    • Wealth, virtual wealth and debt – The solution of the economic paradox


  • Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt

    The Solution of the Economic Paradox

    What has gone wrong with the world? In the throes of the Great War, many discovered for the first time that they were living in a scientific civilisation, and even scientific men themselves realised the difference between the leaven of theory and its practical aspect in a world boiling in ferment. Science then almost emerged from its esoteric seclusion to become a cult - at least, something worth cultivating, for professional ends. So indispensible in wartime, it seemed curiously insignificant among the public services in time of peace. Fortunately for science the danger passed. There are scientific professions, many of them, but science is not a profession. It is a quest. What has gone wrong in the world? Let us follow the quest.


  • The Role of Money

    What it should be contrasted with what it has become

    This book attempts to clear up the mystery of money in its social aspect. With the monetary system of the whole world in chaos, this mystery has never been so carefully fostered as it is today. And this is all the more curious inasmuch as there is not the slightest reason for this mystery. This book will show what money now is, what it does, and what it should do.

