“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” ― George Orwell

Showing all 45 results

  • Revisionist Writings I


    Revisionism is a matter of method, not ideology.

    It advocates, for all research, a return to the starting point, examination followed by re-examination, re-reading and re-writing, evaluation followed by re-evaluation, reorientation, revision, recasting; it is, in spirit, the opposite of ideology. It does not deny, but aims to affirm more accurately.


  • Revisionist Writings II


    Over the last few months there has been a veritable fever of anti-Nazism in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. You’d think the Nazis were back. I suppose that the general public is watching this phenomenon with growing perplexity. Perhaps they think this fever is due to the approach of the fortieth anniversary of 8 May 1945, the date of the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.

  • Revisionist Writings III


    The so-called ‘Faurisson affair’ began on 16 November 1978 with the publication of an article in Le Matin de Paris. I had known for several years that the day the press made my revisionist views public, I would face a storm. By its very nature, revisionism can only disturb public order; where certainties reign, the spirit of free examination is an intruder and causes a scandal.

  • Revisionist Writings IV

    1993 -1998

    The question of the existence or non-existence of Nazi gas chambers is of considerable historical importance. If they existed, these gas chambers provide us with proof that the Germans undertook the physical extermination of the Jews; on the other hand, if they did not exist, we no longer have any proof of this extermination undertaking. Pierre Vidal-Naquet made no mistake. To those tempted to abandon the gas chambers argument, he replied that to abandon the gas chambers ‘is to surrender in open country’. We can only agree with him.

  • From Kabbalah to progressivism

    The natural-supernatural truths stem from a tradition communicated by God directly to man from the first day of human existence. This tradition is partly recorded in writing in the books of the Old and New Testament. We call this the Judaeo-Catholic tradition. For it is the tradition that is faithfully preserved first among the people of Israel, as long as they accept the rule of Yahweh, and then in the Roman Catholic Church, especially in its public magisterium. Strictly speaking, this tradition predates the existence of the Jewish people, which begins with Abraham and Moses. The Judeo-Catholic tradition to which we refer is that of the great patriarchs of humanity, that of Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We call it Judeo-Catholic and not Judeo-Christian in order to avoid the misunderstanding to which the name ‘Christian’ is subjected in modern language.


  • 200 Years Together I

    The Jews Before the Revolution

    The history of the ‘Jewish Problem’ in Russia (and Russia only?) is above all else exceptionally rich. Talking about it means listening to new voices and passing them on to the reader. (In this book, the Jewish voices will be heard more often than those of the Russians.)

    But the whirlwinds of the social climate force us towards the razor’s edge. You can feel the weight of both sides, all the grievances and accusations, plausible as well as improbably, which grow as they go.


  • The trail of the Serpent

    FIVE years ago we published Light Bearers of Darknesslargely based on our own experiences and investigations into various individual secret societies, their affiliations, their occult practices, their pseudo religious and political activities.
    To-day, in The Trail of the Serpentwe issue a further instalment of these researches, built up almost wholly from contributions to the Patriot from 1930 to 1935. Going back to Patriarchal times, we attempt to trace, step by step, the worship of the ancient Serpent, the Creative Principle, the God of all initiates, from the early Cabiri, through Paganism to the pseudo-Christianity of the Gnostics and Cabalists, these latter largely emanating under the influence of the Hellenised Jews of Alexandria.


  • Light-bearers of Darkness

    This book is an attempt to show, by means of actual investigations, of documentary evidence, and personal knowledge of the inner workings, that this present movement for World Revolution leading to World Domination is but an age-long and culminating, fanatical effort on the part of some Overshadowing Power working through many secret illuminised sects.


  • Scarlet and the Beast – Trilogy

    • Scarlet and the Beast I – A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry
    • Scarlet and the Beast II – Two Faces of Freemasonry
    • Scarlet and the Beast III – English freemasonry banks and the illegal drug trade


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  • The Dispossessed Majority

    The intent of this book is to supply members of this discomfited and threatened group-here provisionally defined as the American Majority-with a systematic diagnosis of the diseases and debilities that have laid them low and some suggestions for their recovery.


  • The SS Order

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    The SS Order

    Ethics & Ideology

    Who was this SS and, more specifically, the Waffen-SS? What do we know about it? What can we know about it? Such is the mission that Edwige Thibaut, braving the lightness of the century, had the energy to face. This veritable encyclopaedia of the SS could have remained in a drawer forever. In fact, until now, despite having been the subject of thousands of books, the SS is little known, poorly understood, and has often been disfigured by summary accusations, close to the ridiculous or odious.


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  • Scarlet and the Beast III

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    Scarlet and the Beast III

    English freemasonry, banks, and the illegal drug trade

    English Freemasonry is wealthy and capitalistic, controlling the money and rulers of the world through banking and commerce. French Freemasonry, on the other hand, is poor and communistic, attempting to control state finances through an all-powerful socialistic government. English Freemasonry, Banks, and the Illegal Drug Trade documents how English Freemasonry has acquired domination and control of world banking, including possession of most of the world’s gold, and how today she is destroying the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West by financing the growth, manufacture, and trafficking of illegal drugs worldwide.


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  • Vladimir Putin & Eurasia

    In the present work, which is a singularly dangerous book, not to be placed in all hands, I have done nothing more than to bear witness to the ongoing, consequent developments of a certain imperial revolutionary consciousness in Europe. Step by step. Thus accompanying its own course, and more often than not anticipating it: it was not a follow-up analytical work that I undertook to do there, but a fundamentally visionary work, whose own horizon was situated in the history of the beyond the end of history.


  • Confessions of a British Spy

    British Enmity Against Islam

    This document reveals the true background of the Wahhabi movement that was imposed by Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab and explains the many lies he spread in the name of Islam and exposes his antagonism towards the religion of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and towards Muslims in general.


  • The Nameless War

    The Jewish Power against the nations

    This book, with much additional evidence and fuller historical context, is the result of the personal experiences of a public figure who, in the course of his duties, discovered first-hand the existence of a centuries-old conspiracy against Britain, Europe and the whole of Christendom.


  • The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations

    The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a UN one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.


  • Fatima and the Great Conspiracy

    I set to work to read the Act of Parliament by which the Bank of England was created in 1694. The inventors knew well what they were about. Their design was to mortgage by degrees the whole of the country, all the lands, all the houses, and all other property, and even all labour, to those who would lend their money to the State — the scheme, the crafty, the cunning, the deep scheme has produced what the world never saw before – starvation in the midst of plenty. This meant creating, or making, money out of nothing, being allowed to call it money, and to lend it to the public at a high interest rate.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – I

    Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world’s greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – II

    Germany had been very good to the Jews. German Jews were the wealthiest people in the world. In the years following the First World War, the Germans resented the fact that the Jews, Einstein being their chief spokesman, had stabbed the Germans in the back during the war, and then twisted the knife at the peace negotiations in France, where a large contingent of Jews decided Germany’s fate, and reneged on Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, one of which assured Germany that it would lose no territory. The Germans had thought that Wilson’s pledge would be honored after the Germans had surrendered in good faith. Had not the Germans received this promise of the Fourteen Points, they would not have surrendered and were in a position to continue the war. The promise was broken.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – III

    The First World War emancipated the Jews of Russia. Turkey and Germany were greatly weakened and were further crippled by unjust debts placed on them through treacherous treaties. Jews in Eastern Europe were segregated and seemed ready for emigration to Palestine—though most did not wish to go. In 1916, France and Britain divided up the Mid-East amongst themselves in the Sykes-Picot Agreement. At the San Remo conference in 1920, the British granted themselves the right to rule of Palestine and the French granted themselves the right to rule Syria. The Jews pushed for the ratification of the Palestine Mandate in the League of Nations so that they could enforce their bogus interpretation of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – IV

    Zionists have always employed the bogey of “anti-Semitism” to force Jews into segregation. After thousands of years of planning and work, the Jewish bankers had finally accumulated enough wealth to buy Palestine and destroy the Gentile world in fulfillment of Jewish Messianic prophecy. They only lacked one resource needed to become King of the Jews, the Holy Messiah. That one last necessary ingredient for fulfillment of the prophecies of the End Times was the Jewish People, the majority of whom rejected Zionism. The Jewish bankers had an ancient solution for that problem. They manufactured an anti-Semitic dictator who segregated the Jews and filled them with the fear of God. Palestine was for the fearful remnant. Those who would not obey were to have their necks broken and be thrown into the well.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – V

    Popular myth has it that Albert Einstein originated the concept of “space-time”. However, not only did Einstein not originate the idea of “space-time”, he vigorously opposed it for quite some space of time.  In fact, space-time theories have been quite common in folk-lore, philosophy, mathematics, religion,  science, science fiction,  psychology,  and are even inherent in some languages.


  • “Kill the best gentiles!”

    WE ARE WITNESSING today on the world stage a tragedy of enormous proportions: the calculated destruction of the White Race and the incomparable culture it represents. Europe, former fortress of the West, is now over-run by hordes of non-Whites and mongrels. The same is true of Australia and Canada. The once productive White civilizations of Rhodesia and South Africa, extorted by the ILLUMINATI and its enforcement unit, the United States, have been forced into DEMOCRATIC governments, thereby surrendering their White families to the mercy of numerically superior and mentally inferior Negroes whose ancestors were incapable of inventing even the wheel. The most concentrated attacks on the White Race, however, are occurring in the United States of America.


  • Scarlet and the Beast I

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    Scarlet and the Beast I

    A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry

    My research has revealed that there are two separate and opposing powers in Freemasonry. One, headquartered in London, subscribes to and promotes an idolatrous and pantheistic view of the world. It is monarchist, capitalistic, wealthy, right-wing. The other, in Paris, is atheistic and humanistic in origin and outlook. It is republican, socialist, poor, left-wing.


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  • Scarlet and the Beast II

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    Scarlet and the Beast II

    Two Faces of Freemasonry

    Freemasonry is a religion of works. One of its many symbols is the balance. Masons believe they will be judged by their works, based upon the balance of right and wrong in their lives. In this Picture Book you will see the true nature of Freemasonry. In II Cor. 11:13-15 we read of the “works” religions: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”


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  • Collected Essays

    My life will be judged worthwhile to the extent that it is of use to others. For this reason, I wish to tell of the things which have happened to me in my struggle against the forces of darkness. It is my hope that others will be forewarned of what to expect in this fight.


  • The Wall Street Trilogy

    Though he was a prolific author, Professor Sutton will always be remembered by his great trilogy: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler, and Wall St. and FDR. This is a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.


  • The Black Gold Spies

    This book tells the story of the series of secret agents who, since Napoleon I and the Great Game, precipitated the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and then obtained control of the world’s oil supplies – for the West in general, and for the Anglo-Saxon world in particular – at the price of two world wars and countless regional conflicts. Though this saga is akin to an adventure story, the immense misfortunes which have fallen upon the oil-possessing nations for over a century are far from the stuff of dreams.


  • The High Cost of Vengeance

    FOLLOWING WORLD WAR I FRANCE AND BRITAIN REFUSED TO LISTEN to the statesmen who said that you can have peace or vengeance, not both. They broke their armistice pledge to Germany that peace would be made on the basis of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points and “the principles of settlement enunciated” by the American President. They continued the starvation blockade of Germany for six months after the Armistice, in order to force the German democrats who had taken over the government to sign a dictated peace.


  • Nuremberg or the Promised Land

    I am not taking up the defense of Germany. I am taking up the defense of the truth. I do not know if the truth exists, and many people have made arguments to prove to me that it does not. But I know that lies exist; I know that the systematic deformation of facts exists. We have lived for three years with a falsification of history. This falsification is skillful: it involves fantasies, it is even based on a conspiracy of imagined fantasies. Me, I believe stupidly in the truth. I even believe that it ends up triumphing over all and even over the image which one makes of us.


  • The Curse of Canaan

    A demonology of history

    Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be ”tolerated,” ”treated with greater understanding,” or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as today’s liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism.


  • My Struggle – Mein Kampf

    Hitler was arrested with several of his comrades and imprisoned in the fortress of Landsberg on the River Lech. On February 26th, 1924, he was brought to trial before the VOLKSGERICHT, or People’s Court in Munich. He was sentenced to detention in a fortress for five years. With several companions, who had been also sentenced to various periods of imprisonment, he returned to Landsberg am Lech and remained there until the 20th of the following December, when he was released. In all he spent about thirteen months in prison. It was during this period that he wrote the first volume of MEIN KAMPF. If we bear all this in mind we can account for the emotional stress under which MEIN KAMPF was written.


  • The Zionists

    The fundamental ideology or philosophy of Zionism is that the Jews are the ”chosen people” and that God promised them that they should possess and rule the world. It is based on the first five chapters of the Old Testament as interpreted by their rabbis and their Talmud.


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte

    by Sir Walter Scott x 5


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte V

    Napoleon was not less original as a tactician than as a strategist. His manoeuvres on the field of battle had the promptness and decision of the thunderbolt. In the actual shock of conflict, as in the preparations which he made for bringing it on, his object was to amuse the enemy upon many points, while he oppressed one by an unexpected force of numbers.


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte IV

    Yet the British administration, while they had thus embraced a broader and more adventurous, but at the same time a far wiser system of conducting the war, showed in one most important instance, that they, or a part of them, were not entirely free from the ancient prejudices, which had so long rendered vain the efforts of Britain in favour of the liberties of the world.


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte III

    These advances towards universal empire, made during the very period when the pacific measures adopted by the preliminaries, and afterwards confirmed by the treaty of Amiens, were in the act of being carried into execution, excited the natural jealousy of the people of Britain. They had not been accustomed to rely much on the sincerity of the French nation; nor did the character of its present chief, so full of ambition, and so bold and successful in his enterprises, incline them to feelings of greater security.


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte II

    The young Napoleon had, of course, the simple and hardy education proper to the natives of the mountainous island of his birth, and in his infancy was not remarkable for more than that animation of temper, and wilfulness and impatience of inactivity, by which children of quick parts and lively sensibility are usually distinguished.


  • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte I

    On the execution of his task, it becomes the Author to be silent. He is aware it must exhibit many faults; but he claims credit for having brought to the undertaking a mind disposed to do his subject as impartial justice as his judgment could supply. He will be found no enemy to the person of Napoleon. The term of hostility is ended when the battle has been won, and the foe exists no longer. His splendid personal qualities-his great military actions and political services to France-will not, it is hoped, be found depreciated in the narrative.


  • The French Revolution

    A study in democracy

    The French Revolution is no dead event; in turning over the contemporary records of those tremendous days we feel that we are touching live things; from the yellowed pages voices call to us, voices that still vibrate with the passions that stirred them more than a century ago – here the desperate appeal for liberty and justice, there the trumpet-call of “King and Country”; now the story told with tears of death faced gloriously, now a maddened scream of rage against a fellow-man.


  • Monarchy or Money Power

    The difficulty which all the medieval Kings experienced in greater or less degree was the establishing of themselves in the People’s love. The King needed the People as much as the People needed the King, but it was ever the object of interested parties to hold them asunder. And so was witnessed a perpetual struggle between, on the one hand, King and Church, anxious alike to hold their servants and ministers in subjection to duty, and, on the other hand, unruly servants and ministers, barons and prelates, seeking means of sustaining themselves in revolt against both spiritual and temporal authority, and so very often becoming allied to the financial powers.


  • The World Conquerors

    The real war criminals

    WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of enslaved Europeans for the rulers of the “victorious nations”. It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet.


  • Hitler’s Secret Backers

    The Financial Sources of National Socialism

    The book you are about to read is one of the most extraordinary historical documents of the 20th century. Where did Hitler get the funds and the backing to achieve power in 1933 Germany? Did these funds come only from prominent German bankers and industrialists or did funds also come from American bankers and industrialists?


  • The Globalists and the Islamists

    Fomenting the “clash of civilizations” for a New World Order

    The following study will take a look at the history of the region that America has become entangled in, a region that used to be, and to some degree still is, almost entirely controlled by Britain. Is this current “War On Terror” truly a war to bring freedom to the region and to promote traditional American ideals, or is it a power-play to solidify global American hegemony? And what does Britain have to gain?


  • The Controversy of Zion

    It is one of the commonplaces of history that adverse circumstances offer no obstacle to men of outstanding energy and ability. Douglas Reed, who described himself as “relatively unschooled”, started out in life as an office boy at the age of thirteen and he was a bank clerk at nineteen before enlisting at the outbreak of World War I. A less promising preparation for a man destined to be one of the most brilliant political analysts and descriptive writers of the century could hardly be imagined. He was already 26 years old when he reached the London Times in 1921 as a telephonist and clerk; and he was 30 when he finally reached journalism as sub-editor.

