Deirdre Manifold is an author from the west of Ireland and has written a number of books including Fatima and the Great Conspiracy, Towards World Government, Karl Marx: True or false prophet? She felt that world events were being manipulated by Secret Societies, particularly the Illuminati, to bring about a world government which they call the New World Order. They are going to do this, she outlined: by contrived wars, which in the case of WWI led to the creation of the League of Nations and in the case of WWII to the United Nations and the Nuremburg trials, which expanded the jurisdiction of international law, obvious steps along the road to a world government; contrived economic crashes which were and are to be manipulated to foster greater control among world financial institutions, like the IMF; and she also wrote about how concern for the environment was to be mobilized into a push for a world authority. She also felt that these societies had wormed their way into and corrupted the Catholic Church – which she held very dear – post Vat II, again as part of this preparation towards a New World Order.
Fatima and the Great Conspiracy
I set to work to read the Act of Parliament by which the Bank of England was created in 1694. The inventors knew well what they were about. Their design was to mortgage by degrees the whole of the country, all the lands, all the houses, and all other property, and even all labour, to those who would lend their money to the State — the scheme, the crafty, the cunning, the deep scheme has produced what the world never saw before – starvation in the midst of plenty. This meant creating, or making, money out of nothing, being allowed to call it money, and to lend it to the public at a high interest rate.