Showing all 113 results

  • Truth and synthesis

    The end of shams

    Attached to their community, Jews cannot be assimilated. The genius of the Jewish people is to have presented the Jewish problem in its religious aspect alone. According to the Jew, there are French people of the Jewish faith, just as there are French people of the Catholic faith. Many goyim (strangers to the Jewish people) have fallen into this trap. Monsignor Lustiger is a typical example of a Catholic Jew.

  • Heidegger’s silence and the secret of Jewish tragedy

    This long presentation is motivated by a concern for synthetic truth. I give it to you without any hope of an intelligent and exhaustive response. Apart from Simone Weil, Bernard Lazare, Bergson and a few other fellow Jews, I have never met an intellectually honest Jew. I see nothing but their lies and bad faith oozing out everywhere. I wish I were not among the Jews, a rare exception capable of probity and synthesis.


  • The pain of living

    At a time when evil has subtly taken hold of dialectic and logic, of all the instruments of thought in favour of all kinds of inversions, the impossibility of expressing the truth arises from the fact that it no longer manifests itself in the human heart except through emotions, impulses, dazzling but powerless outbursts: there remains only one value worthy of expression: the suffering of the soul and the heart.


  • The great hypothesis

    Outline of a history of monotheism from the origin to the end of the world

    The Origin, with a capital O, is the Origin of each and every one of us, of everything and everyone: of heaven and earth, of their containers and their contents! Whether we are believers or atheists, our thoughts have, at least once, turned to this common and unique Origin and its Creator, whether it is called God or simply ‘chance’, as could be decreed by someone who has lived only one part of their life without touching the other.

  • Egyptian Astronomy

    At the beginning of time, when man was intelligent enough to observe the movements of the points of light in the sky, he paid close attention to what was happening up there. Reflection came to him and he meditated on various accurate influences, such as the Sun during the day, and the Moon at night, which regularly changed shape. He soon became convinced that the other points of light, although infinitely smaller, were similar cases. This took thousands of years, of course, which we must admit from the outset in order to better understand the mechanism.


  • The Origins trilogy I – The Great Cataclysm

    In those days lived Isis and Osiris

    The Great Cataclysm is the story of the Ancestors of the first Pêr-Ahâ (which became Pharaoh in Greek phonetics) hieroglyphs meaning ‘Descendants of the Elder’. Ahâ could be translated phonetically as ‘Adam’, and in fact, the Chronological Annals engraved on the walls of the first temples of Upper Egypt, or painted on the leather scrolls in the various archive rooms of the ‘Houses-of-Life’, recount the life of a people starting from this ‘Elder’: the Ahâ.


  • The Origins trilogy II

    The survivors of Atlantis

    After the ‘Great Cataclysm’ that submerged Ahâ-Men-Ptah, ‘God’s Eldest Earth’, swallowing up millions of human creatures with it, nothing remained except a legendary myth, brought back from Egypt by Solon, then taken up by Plato in the ‘Timaeus’ under the generic name of Atlantis.


  • The Origins trilogy III

    And god resurrected in Dendera

    When the survivors of Ahâ-Men-Ptah, the Platonic Atlantis, disembarked on the coast of present-day Morocco, devastated by the sinking of their first homeland, they had no idea that it would be four thousand years later before their younger siblings would finally arrive in the ‘Second Heart-of-God’, Ath-Kâ-Ptah (Ae-guy-ptos in Greek, Egypte in French) that was destined for them.


  • Revisionist Writings I


    Revisionism is a matter of method, not ideology.

    It advocates, for all research, a return to the starting point, examination followed by re-examination, re-reading and re-writing, evaluation followed by re-evaluation, reorientation, revision, recasting; it is, in spirit, the opposite of ideology. It does not deny, but aims to affirm more accurately.


  • Revisionist Writings II


    Over the last few months there has been a veritable fever of anti-Nazism in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. You’d think the Nazis were back. I suppose that the general public is watching this phenomenon with growing perplexity. Perhaps they think this fever is due to the approach of the fortieth anniversary of 8 May 1945, the date of the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.

  • Revisionist Writings III


    The so-called ‘Faurisson affair’ began on 16 November 1978 with the publication of an article in Le Matin de Paris. I had known for several years that the day the press made my revisionist views public, I would face a storm. By its very nature, revisionism can only disturb public order; where certainties reign, the spirit of free examination is an intruder and causes a scandal.

  • Revisionist Writings IV

    1993 -1998

    The question of the existence or non-existence of Nazi gas chambers is of considerable historical importance. If they existed, these gas chambers provide us with proof that the Germans undertook the physical extermination of the Jews; on the other hand, if they did not exist, we no longer have any proof of this extermination undertaking. Pierre Vidal-Naquet made no mistake. To those tempted to abandon the gas chambers argument, he replied that to abandon the gas chambers ‘is to surrender in open country’. We can only agree with him.

  • The conspirator’s hierarchy

    The story of the committee of 300

    Certainly many of us are aware that the people who run our government are not the people who really controlpolitical and economic issues, domestic and foreign. This has led many of us to seek the truth in the alternative press, those newsletter writers who, like me, have investigated, but not always found, the reasons why the United States is so seriously ill.

  • The Tavistock institute for human relations

    Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States

    The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been at the forefront of the attack on the American Constitution. No group produced more propaganda to encourage the United States to participate in the First World War at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it.

  • Jewish History, Jewish Religion

    The Weight of 3000 Years

    The first difficulty is that, over the last one hundred and fifty years, the term ‘Jew’ has come to be used in two very different ways. To understand this, let’s imagine ourselves back in 1780. At that time, the meaning of this term for everyone coincided with what the Jews themselves considered to be the constitutive basis of their own identity.


  • The track of the jew through the ages

    One of the most characteristic and significant signs of the hostility of the Jews towards the Europeans is their hatred of Christianity. Rosenberg gives samples of this hatred from the Talmud as well as from the work called Toledot Yeshu which purports to give an account of the life of Jesus. Indeed it is not surprising that the Church increasingly proscribed Jewish works:


  • The mirror of judaism

    The accusatory inversion

    Jews are scattered in all countries of the world, although they reside mainly in countries of European origin. Most of them are of Ashkenazi origin, i.e. those from Central and Eastern Europe who left in successive waves from the end of the 19th century onwards. A minority, also spread throughout the world, comes from the Mediterranean basin: these are the “Sephardic” Jews. But there are also black Jews in Ethiopia called Falashas, as well as Jews in India and China, who also claim to be “perfectly integrated”. So Jews are not a race.

  • From Kabbalah to progressivism

    The natural-supernatural truths stem from a tradition communicated by God directly to man from the first day of human existence. This tradition is partly recorded in writing in the books of the Old and New Testament. We call this the Judaeo-Catholic tradition. For it is the tradition that is faithfully preserved first among the people of Israel, as long as they accept the rule of Yahweh, and then in the Roman Catholic Church, especially in its public magisterium. Strictly speaking, this tradition predates the existence of the Jewish people, which begins with Abraham and Moses. The Judeo-Catholic tradition to which we refer is that of the great patriarchs of humanity, that of Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We call it Judeo-Catholic and not Judeo-Christian in order to avoid the misunderstanding to which the name ‘Christian’ is subjected in modern language.


  • 200 Years Together I

    The Jews Before the Revolution

    The history of the ‘Jewish Problem’ in Russia (and Russia only?) is above all else exceptionally rich. Talking about it means listening to new voices and passing them on to the reader. (In this book, the Jewish voices will be heard more often than those of the Russians.)

    But the whirlwinds of the social climate force us towards the razor’s edge. You can feel the weight of both sides, all the grievances and accusations, plausible as well as improbably, which grow as they go.


  • 200 Years Together II

    The Jews in the Soviet Union

    In 1990, while finishing April 1917 and sorting out the enormous amount of material not included in The Red Wheel, I decided to present some of that material in the form of a historical essay about Jews in the Russian revolution.

    Yet it became clear almost immediately that in order to understand those events the essay must step back in time. Thus, it stepped back to the very first incorporation of the Jews into the Russian Empire in 1772. On the other hand, the revolution of 1917 provided a powerful impetus to Russian Jewry, so the essay naturally stretched into the post-revolutionary period. Thus, the title Two Hundred Years Together was born.


  • Frederick Soddy

    Understanding the fundamentals of economic and monetary principles

    • The Role of Money – what it should be contrasted with what it has become
    • Wealth, virtual wealth and debt – The solution of the economic paradox


  • Red Pandemic

    The Global Marxist Cult

    We can see that the world has been undergoing profound, extraordinary changes in recent times. We have also seen that these colossal changes are not merely circumstantial, or the result of some sort of organic societal evolution, or other factors beyond humanity’s control; but changes that have been encouraged and supported by certain motivated movements, organisations, and individuals.


  • The trail of the Serpent

    FIVE years ago we published Light Bearers of Darknesslargely based on our own experiences and investigations into various individual secret societies, their affiliations, their occult practices, their pseudo religious and political activities.
    To-day, in The Trail of the Serpentwe issue a further instalment of these researches, built up almost wholly from contributions to the Patriot from 1930 to 1935. Going back to Patriarchal times, we attempt to trace, step by step, the worship of the ancient Serpent, the Creative Principle, the God of all initiates, from the early Cabiri, through Paganism to the pseudo-Christianity of the Gnostics and Cabalists, these latter largely emanating under the influence of the Hellenised Jews of Alexandria.


  • Light-bearers of Darkness

    This book is an attempt to show, by means of actual investigations, of documentary evidence, and personal knowledge of the inner workings, that this present movement for World Revolution leading to World Domination is but an age-long and culminating, fanatical effort on the part of some Overshadowing Power working through many secret illuminised sects.


  • The Eustace Mullins Collection

    • The Curse of Canaan
    • The World Order – Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
    • New History of the Jews
    • Murder by Injection – The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America
    • The Secrets of the Federal Reserve
    • Blood and Gold – The history of the Council on Foreign Relations


  • Blood and Gold

    The history of the Council on Foreign Relations

    Revolutions are not made by the middle class, but by the oligarchy at the top. In America, the Council on Foreign Relations is the policy-making group for Marxist groups in the United States, controlling subsidiary political organizations devoted to Marxist propaganda, including the Institute of Pacific Relations.


  • Scarlet and the Beast – Trilogy

    • Scarlet and the Beast I – A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry
    • Scarlet and the Beast II – Two Faces of Freemasonry
    • Scarlet and the Beast III – English freemasonry banks and the illegal drug trade


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  • The hidden authors of the French Revolution

    From unpublished documents

    The more one studies the history of the French Revolution, the more one comes up against enigmas. First of all, the writers contradict each other on most points, so that if we were to accept all their denials and rectifications, we would come to the conclusion that virtually nothing happened between 1789 and 1793! As for the rare events on which they agree, they never give the same explanation.


  • Hervé Ryssen – Complete Works

    • Planetarian Hopes
    • Psychoanalysis of Judaism
    • The Jewish Mafia – International Predators
    • The Jewish fanaticism
    • Israel’s billions – Jewish swindlers and international financiers
    • History of anti-Semitism: set straight by a goy


  • Inquire Within – The diptych

    • Light-bearers of Darkness
    • The trail of the Serpent


  • History of anti-Semitism

    Set straight by a goy

    The history of Judaism is that of a people – or a sect – at permanent war against the rest of humanity. At all times and in all places, Jews have given rise to anti-Semitism. The script always unfolds in the same way: after the violence and settling of scores, the goyim (non-Jews) legislate to try to curb the phenomenon and eventually expel the undesirables. But inevitably, after a certain period of time, the undesirables manage to re-enter the square, corrupt the kings and lords, and resume their trafficking and intrigues, without having learned anything from their past mistakes. This history has been repeating itself for nearly three thousand years.


  • Freemasonry From A To Z

    Freemasonry is often described as a “secret society,” but Freemasons themselves believe it is more correct to say that it is an esoteric society, in that certain aspects are private. The most common phrasing being that Freemasonry has, in the 21st century, become less a secret society and more of a “society with secrets.” The private aspects of modern Freemasonry are the modes of recognition amongst members and particular elements within the ritual. For instance Masons might ask newcomers they meet “are you on the square?”


  • Abortion: Genocide in America

    The most vitally important issue in U.S. history

    Within the churches and other groups opposing abortion, the issue of clinic protests has become increasingly controversial, as many who oppose abortions move to separate themselves from those who propose violence as an acceptable solution. The latest major conflict over abortion laws has been over termination of late pregnancies, termed “partial birth abortions.”

  • Drug War Against America

    The majority of Americans know that there is a drug epidemic, but only a small minority is aware that it was inflicted upon our society by the “rulers of darkness, the wicked men in high places, who prefer darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.”

    Who these men are and how they run the largest and most profitable business in the world; what they have achieved and whether there are any effective countermeasures being taken, is the subject matter of this book.


  • Beyond the Conspiracy

    Unmasking the invisible world government

    It has been commented on many times during the course of history that the average person in most countries has little or no time to spare to think beyond making a living, raising a family and holding down a job to make these objectives possible. This leaves little or no time to attend to politics or matters of economics or other vital issues, such as war and peace that affect their lives and the life of the nation.


  • One World Order Socialist Dictatorship

    “The enemy in Washington is more to be feared than the enemy in Moscow.” This is a sentiment I have expressed over and over again. Communism did not destroy tariff protection erected by President George Washington.


  • Diplomacy by Deception

    An account of the treasonous conduct by the governments of Britain and the United States

    The history of how the United Nations was created is a classic case of Diplomacy by deception. The United Nations is the successor to the defunct League of Nations, the first attempt to set up a One World Government in the wake of the Paris Peace Conference which gave birth to the Treaty of Versailles.


  • The Rothschild Dynasty

    Dr. John Coleman, author of The Committee of 300, tells how Mayer Amschel, the founder of the “Red Shield” dynasty acquired his first fortune. It is a far cry from the myths and legends that still surround the man who began as a rag and bone merchant and pawnbroker, working out of a small house on Judenstrasse, Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, where he lived with his wife and family.


  • The Club of Rome

    The Think Tank of the New World Order

    In order to begin to understand world events, it is necessary for us to realize that the many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century did not just happen by themselves; but that they were planned according to a well laid out blueprint. Who were the planners and creators of significant events?


  • We Fight For Oil

    There’s no doubt that Royal Dutch Shell of the “Committee of 300” is one of the oldest and largest of all the oil companies operating in the world today. Its sales in 2005 were $306.73 billion. The late Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, Lord Victor Rothschild, Prince Nasi of Africa Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, the London Samuels and the House of Windsor are Royal Dutch Shell’s largest shareholders. On Juliana’s death, her shares passed to the House of Orange (Netherlands).


  • The Dispossessed Majority

    The intent of this book is to supply members of this discomfited and threatened group-here provisionally defined as the American Majority-with a systematic diagnosis of the diseases and debilities that have laid them low and some suggestions for their recovery.


  • Israel’s billions

    Jewish swindlers and international financiers

    Jews have a very particular relationship with money. This is not a hateful “anti-Semitic prejudice”, but a tangible reality, as Jews are vastly overrepresented among the world’s billionaires.


  • The Svali Chronicles – Breaking free from mind control

    Testimony of an ex-illuminati

    To understand the programming of the Illuminati sect, it is necessary to first understand a little about the structure and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati is a group of people who follow a philosophy known as Illuminism or Enlightenment. The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but their roots and history can be traced back to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon and even Mesopotamia. From these ancient religions, practiced secretly for hundreds and hundreds of years, came esoteric groups that continued to practice the rituals, traditions and enculturation brought by the original groups.

  • The SS Order

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    The SS Order

    Ethics & Ideology

    Who was this SS and, more specifically, the Waffen-SS? What do we know about it? What can we know about it? Such is the mission that Edwige Thibaut, braving the lightness of the century, had the energy to face. This veritable encyclopaedia of the SS could have remained in a drawer forever. In fact, until now, despite having been the subject of thousands of books, the SS is little known, poorly understood, and has often been disfigured by summary accusations, close to the ridiculous or odious.


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  • Psychoanalysis of Judaism

    Judaism is not only a religion. It is also a political project based on one main idea: the disappearance of borders, the unification of the earth and the establishment of a world of “peace”. For religious Jews, this aspiration for a pacified, unified and globalized world is confused with the feverish hope for the arrival of a Messiah that they have been awaiting for three thousand years. He will come to restore the “kingdom of David”. For non-believing Jews, this messianism has taken the form of secularized political activism in favor of all the utopias of globalism.


  • The Jewish Mafia

    International Predators

    Jews, through the media, are invariably presented as the victims of history. The idea of the Jew always persecuted for no reason is as old as Judaism itself. Thus, it is almost axiomatic to consider that Jews are incapable of evil. Therefore, a Jew who was both a gangster and a murderer may seem a priori surprising.


  • The Jewish fanaticism

    The Jewish people are promoting a project for the whole of humanity; a grandiose project that they have been carrying out for centuries against all odds: the establishment of universal peace on the face of the earth. The notion of “Peace” is at the very core of Judaism, and it is no coincidence that this word (shalom in Hebrew) appears so frequently in all the speeches of the Jews of the world. It is not just a religious concept, or a belief in the advent of a better world, God’s work in the distant future, but a guiding principle that determines the commitment and actions of Jews in their daily lives. Indeed, Jews, through their work, their actions and their involvement in politics, work every day to build “Peace”.


  • Planetarian Hopes

    Cosmopolitan thinking is currently the dominant way of thinking throughout the West. It is the way an individual sees and understands the world through the prism of humanity, and no longer through what is close to him and what makes up his identity: his family, his language, his work, his region and his nation.


  • Scarlet and the Beast III

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    Scarlet and the Beast III

    English freemasonry, banks, and the illegal drug trade

    English Freemasonry is wealthy and capitalistic, controlling the money and rulers of the world through banking and commerce. French Freemasonry, on the other hand, is poor and communistic, attempting to control state finances through an all-powerful socialistic government. English Freemasonry, Banks, and the Illegal Drug Trade documents how English Freemasonry has acquired domination and control of world banking, including possession of most of the world’s gold, and how today she is destroying the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West by financing the growth, manufacture, and trafficking of illegal drugs worldwide.


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  • MK Ultra – Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

    Tools of domination for the nameless religion

    For the first time a book attempts to explore the complex issues of traumatic ritual abuse and the mind control that results from it. It is an attempt to delve into the heavy issue of elitist pedocriminality, also called pedo-satanism. How does the brain of a child react to such horrors? How is it possible to mentally program a human being? What are the roots of such practices?


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  • Vladimir Putin & Eurasia

    In the present work, which is a singularly dangerous book, not to be placed in all hands, I have done nothing more than to bear witness to the ongoing, consequent developments of a certain imperial revolutionary consciousness in Europe. Step by step. Thus accompanying its own course, and more often than not anticipating it: it was not a follow-up analytical work that I undertook to do there, but a fundamentally visionary work, whose own horizon was situated in the history of the beyond the end of history.


  • Confessions of a British Spy

    British Enmity Against Islam

    This document reveals the true background of the Wahhabi movement that was imposed by Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab and explains the many lies he spread in the name of Islam and exposes his antagonism towards the religion of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad and towards Muslims in general.


  • The Nameless War

    The Jewish Power against the nations

    This book, with much additional evidence and fuller historical context, is the result of the personal experiences of a public figure who, in the course of his duties, discovered first-hand the existence of a centuries-old conspiracy against Britain, Europe and the whole of Christendom.


  • Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt

    The Solution of the Economic Paradox

    What has gone wrong with the world? In the throes of the Great War, many discovered for the first time that they were living in a scientific civilisation, and even scientific men themselves realised the difference between the leaven of theory and its practical aspect in a world boiling in ferment. Science then almost emerged from its esoteric seclusion to become a cult - at least, something worth cultivating, for professional ends. So indispensible in wartime, it seemed curiously insignificant among the public services in time of peace. Fortunately for science the danger passed. There are scientific professions, many of them, but science is not a profession. It is a quest. What has gone wrong in the world? Let us follow the quest.


  • The Role of Money

    What it should be contrasted with what it has become

    This book attempts to clear up the mystery of money in its social aspect. With the monetary system of the whole world in chaos, this mystery has never been so carefully fostered as it is today. And this is all the more curious inasmuch as there is not the slightest reason for this mystery. This book will show what money now is, what it does, and what it should do.


  • The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations

    The question of how and why the United Nations is the crux of the great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a UN one-world dictatorship is a complete and unknown mystery to the vast majority of the American people.


  • Fatima and the Great Conspiracy

    I set to work to read the Act of Parliament by which the Bank of England was created in 1694. The inventors knew well what they were about. Their design was to mortgage by degrees the whole of the country, all the lands, all the houses, and all other property, and even all labour, to those who would lend their money to the State — the scheme, the crafty, the cunning, the deep scheme has produced what the world never saw before – starvation in the midst of plenty. This meant creating, or making, money out of nothing, being allowed to call it money, and to lend it to the public at a high interest rate.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – I

    Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world’s greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – II

    Germany had been very good to the Jews. German Jews were the wealthiest people in the world. In the years following the First World War, the Germans resented the fact that the Jews, Einstein being their chief spokesman, had stabbed the Germans in the back during the war, and then twisted the knife at the peace negotiations in France, where a large contingent of Jews decided Germany’s fate, and reneged on Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, one of which assured Germany that it would lose no territory. The Germans had thought that Wilson’s pledge would be honored after the Germans had surrendered in good faith. Had not the Germans received this promise of the Fourteen Points, they would not have surrendered and were in a position to continue the war. The promise was broken.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – III

    The First World War emancipated the Jews of Russia. Turkey and Germany were greatly weakened and were further crippled by unjust debts placed on them through treacherous treaties. Jews in Eastern Europe were segregated and seemed ready for emigration to Palestine—though most did not wish to go. In 1916, France and Britain divided up the Mid-East amongst themselves in the Sykes-Picot Agreement. At the San Remo conference in 1920, the British granted themselves the right to rule of Palestine and the French granted themselves the right to rule Syria. The Jews pushed for the ratification of the Palestine Mandate in the League of Nations so that they could enforce their bogus interpretation of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – IV

    Zionists have always employed the bogey of “anti-Semitism” to force Jews into segregation. After thousands of years of planning and work, the Jewish bankers had finally accumulated enough wealth to buy Palestine and destroy the Gentile world in fulfillment of Jewish Messianic prophecy. They only lacked one resource needed to become King of the Jews, the Holy Messiah. That one last necessary ingredient for fulfillment of the prophecies of the End Times was the Jewish People, the majority of whom rejected Zionism. The Jewish bankers had an ancient solution for that problem. They manufactured an anti-Semitic dictator who segregated the Jews and filled them with the fear of God. Palestine was for the fearful remnant. Those who would not obey were to have their necks broken and be thrown into the well.


  • The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – V

    Popular myth has it that Albert Einstein originated the concept of “space-time”. However, not only did Einstein not originate the idea of “space-time”, he vigorously opposed it for quite some space of time.  In fact, space-time theories have been quite common in folk-lore, philosophy, mathematics, religion,  science, science fiction,  psychology,  and are even inherent in some languages.


  • Practical Idealism

    The Kalergi Plan to destroy European peoples

    The form of constitution that replaced feudalism and absolutism was democracy; the form of government, plutocracy. Today, democracy is a façade of plutocracy: since nations would not tolerate a pure form of plutocracy, they were granted nominal powers, while the real power rests in the hands of plutocrats.


  • The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics

    A reading of this work must not engender any religious or political confusion. Criticism of the Zionist interpretation of the Torah and of the “historical books” (especially those of Joshua, Samuel and Kings) in no way implies an underestimation of the Bible or what it too has revealed of man’s human and divine epic. Abraham’s sacrifice is the eternal model of how a man can go beyond temporary morality and the fragile logic on which it is based, in the name of unconditional values that make morality a relative value. In the same way, the Exodus remains a symbol of a people’s quest for freedom, wresting itself from bondage in its quest for God and the Spirit.

  • Conversations with John F. Kennedy

    During the spring of 1966, the vision of the late John F. Kennedy, the martyred President of the United States, appeared to me on three separate occasions, in three different places, and engaged me in lengthy disquisitions about the condition of man, the dangers apparent in his present estate, and what must be done to avert them.


  • “Kill the best gentiles!”

    WE ARE WITNESSING today on the world stage a tragedy of enormous proportions: the calculated destruction of the White Race and the incomparable culture it represents. Europe, former fortress of the West, is now over-run by hordes of non-Whites and mongrels. The same is true of Australia and Canada. The once productive White civilizations of Rhodesia and South Africa, extorted by the ILLUMINATI and its enforcement unit, the United States, have been forced into DEMOCRATIC governments, thereby surrendering their White families to the mercy of numerically superior and mentally inferior Negroes whose ancestors were incapable of inventing even the wheel. The most concentrated attacks on the White Race, however, are occurring in the United States of America.


  • Scarlet and the Beast I

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    Scarlet and the Beast I

    A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry

    My research has revealed that there are two separate and opposing powers in Freemasonry. One, headquartered in London, subscribes to and promotes an idolatrous and pantheistic view of the world. It is monarchist, capitalistic, wealthy, right-wing. The other, in Paris, is atheistic and humanistic in origin and outlook. It is republican, socialist, poor, left-wing.


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  • Scarlet and the Beast II

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    Scarlet and the Beast II

    Two Faces of Freemasonry

    Freemasonry is a religion of works. One of its many symbols is the balance. Masons believe they will be judged by their works, based upon the balance of right and wrong in their lives. In this Picture Book you will see the true nature of Freemasonry. In II Cor. 11:13-15 we read of the “works” religions: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”


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  • Collected Essays

    My life will be judged worthwhile to the extent that it is of use to others. For this reason, I wish to tell of the things which have happened to me in my struggle against the forces of darkness. It is my hope that others will be forewarned of what to expect in this fight.


  • The Wall Street Trilogy

    Though he was a prolific author, Professor Sutton will always be remembered by his great trilogy: Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall St. and the Rise of Hitler, and Wall St. and FDR. This is a trilogy describing the role of the American corporate socialists, otherwise known as the Wall Street financial elite or the Eastern Liberal Establishment, in three significant twentieth-century historical events: the 1917 Lenin-Trotsky Revolution in Russia, the 1933 election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States, and the 1933 seizure of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany.


  • The Black Gold Spies

    This book tells the story of the series of secret agents who, since Napoleon I and the Great Game, precipitated the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and then obtained control of the world’s oil supplies – for the West in general, and for the Anglo-Saxon world in particular – at the price of two world wars and countless regional conflicts. Though this saga is akin to an adventure story, the immense misfortunes which have fallen upon the oil-possessing nations for over a century are far from the stuff of dreams.


  • Ezra Pound: this difficult individual

    EZRA POUND was born on October 30, 1885, in Hailey, Idaho. He was the son of Homer Loomis Pound and Isabel Weston Pound. In later years, the sculptor Lekakis humourously referred to Ezra as “Homer’s son”, a mot that was repeated among the Greeks. Hailey was a frontier town, such as those that can be seen today on any American television screen. Homer Pound was employed in the government land office. Ezra recalls seeing some burly gentlemen striding about with large six shooters strapped to their waists.


  • My life in Christ

    THIS is the story of my life in Christ. Now, what does living in Christ mean? It means that one is FOR Christ, that one not only accepts Him, but that one lives in Him. Living in Christ has little relationship to the more commonly accepted situation of living as a Christian, or living a Christian life. Living AS a Christian means that one has accepted the tokens of Christianity, that one agrees in the divinity of Christ, that one is a member of a Christian congregation, in a largely Christian community, in a Christian nation. Thus, one can lead a Christian life without knowing Christ and without changing one’s existence in the slightest degree.


  • Trifles for a Massacre

    “There’s a book you won’t hear a word about on the radio. There’s a book the right-thinking newspapers will not speak about, except to refer to it prim and reproachful terms. There’s a book about which the tabloids of the left will say nothing, except the most inept of them, which only have words of scorn. There’s a book the sale and distribution of which is quite possibly forbidden. There’s a book against which there will be more a conspiracy of silence than of attack. Isn’t it a crying shame that, before any reservations, we cannot praise boldness, courage, ardor?


  • The History of Money

    It is fascinating and almost magical how money appeared on our planet. Unlike most developments we enjoy, which can be traced back to a source, civilisation or inventor, money appeared in places then unconnected all over the world in a remarkably simular way.


  • The High Cost of Vengeance

    FOLLOWING WORLD WAR I FRANCE AND BRITAIN REFUSED TO LISTEN to the statesmen who said that you can have peace or vengeance, not both. They broke their armistice pledge to Germany that peace would be made on the basis of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points and “the principles of settlement enunciated” by the American President. They continued the starvation blockade of Germany for six months after the Armistice, in order to force the German democrats who had taken over the government to sign a dictated peace.


  • Nuremberg or the Promised Land

    I am not taking up the defense of Germany. I am taking up the defense of the truth. I do not know if the truth exists, and many people have made arguments to prove to me that it does not. But I know that lies exist; I know that the systematic deformation of facts exists. We have lived for three years with a falsification of history. This falsification is skillful: it involves fantasies, it is even based on a conspiracy of imagined fantasies. Me, I believe stupidly in the truth. I even believe that it ends up triumphing over all and even over the image which one makes of us.


  • The Riddle of the Jew’s Success

    If there are riddles in the history of the nations, then the Jews most certainly present one of the chief instances; and, whoever has occupied himself with the problems of humanity, without advancing so far as the great problem of the Jews, has, so far as knowledge and experience of life are concerned, merely skimmed the surface of the subject.


  • The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

    Here are the simple facts of the great betrayal. Wilson and House knew that they were doing something momentous. One cannot fathom men’s motives and this pair probably believed in what they were up to. What they did not believe in was representative government. They believed in government by an uncontrolled oligarchy whose acts would only become apparent after an interval so long that the electorate would be forever incapable of doing anything efficient to remedy depredations. All of these central banks have the power of issuing currency in their respective countries. Thus, the people do not own their own money in Europe, nor do they own it here. It is privately printed for private profit.

