Wilmot Robertson, born John Humphrey Ireland Jr. on July 5, 1915, and died on July 8, 2005, was an American author, conservative activist, and white nationalist. He is best known for his book “The Dispossessed Majority,” published in 1972, which presented a white worldview and argued for the preservation of the white majority in the United States.
“The Dispossessed Majority” promoted the idea that white Americans were under threat from immigration, multiculturalism, and liberal social policies. Robertson argued that white Americans were becoming marginalized in their own country and advocated for the preservation of white culture and identity.
In addition to “The Dispossessed Majority,” Robertson wrote several other books and essays promoting white nationalist and segregationist ideas. He founded the organization The Instauration in 1975, which served as a platform for his views and activism.
Die enteignete Mehrheit
Ziel dieses Buches ist es, den Mitgliedern dieser verunsicherten und bedrohten Gruppe – hier vorläufig als amerikanische Mehrheit definiert – eine systematische Diagnose der Krankheiten und Schwächen zu liefern, die sie niedergeschlagen haben, sowie einige Vorschläge für ihre Genesung.
La maggioranza diseredata
L’intento di questo libro è quello di fornire ai membri di questo gruppo sconfortato e minacciato – qui provvisoriamente definito come Maggioranza americana – una diagnosi sistematica delle malattie e dei disturbi che li hanno ridotti sul lastrico e alcuni suggerimenti per la loro guarigione.
La mayoría desposeída
La intención de este libro es proporcionar a los miembros de este grupo desconcertado y amenazado -aquí definido provisionalmente como la Mayoría Estadounidense- un diagnóstico sistemático de las enfermedades y debilidades que los han abatido y algunas sugerencias para su recuperación.
La majorité dépossédée
L’objectif de ce livre est de fournir aux membres de ce groupe déconcerté et menacé – provisoirement défini comme la majorité américaine – un diagnostic systématique des maladies et des débilités qui les ont affaiblis, ainsi que des suggestions pour leur rétablissement.
The Dispossessed Majority
The intent of this book is to supply members of this discomfited and threatened group-here provisionally defined as the American Majority-with a systematic diagnosis of the diseases and debilities that have laid them low and some suggestions for their recovery.