The plot against the Church

By (author)Maurice Pinay


It can be stated without fear of exaggeration that no book in the present century has been the object of so many commentaries in the world press… What gives this book definite, provable worth is that it deals with a magnificent and imposing compilation of documents and sources of undeniable importance and authenticity, which demonstrates with no room for doubt the existence of a great conspiracy, which the traditional enemies of the Church have prepared against Holy Catholic Church, and against the Free World.


These (enemies) are attempting to convert Catholicism into a blind instrument in the service of communism, Masonry, and Judaism, in order to weaken free humanity with it and to facilitate its ruin and, with this ruin, the definite victory of atheistic communism.

The most useful instruments in this conspiracy are those Catholic clergymen who, betraying Holy Church, attempt to destroy her most loyal defenders, while at the same time they assist, in every way they can, Communists, Masons and Jews in their subversive activities. In the pages, in the arguments, and in the style of the book, is revealed the presence of Catholic clerics, in battle against the eternal heresy, which has always tended to subvert the religious, ethical, and historical bases of Catholicism, employing successively Simon the Magician, Arius, Nestor, the Albigenses, and in the present day the leftists of the Ecumenical Council.


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Product details

Paperback: 642 pages
Publisher: Omnia Veritas Ltd (1 Jan. 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1910220949
ISBN-13: 978-1910220948
Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 3.3 x 22.9 cm


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