Edwige Thibaut, born in 1966, is the pen name of a French Germanist translator and author specialising in German National Socialism.

Edwige Thibaut

Edwige Thibaut, born in 1966, is the pen name of a French Germanist translator and author specialising in German National Socialism.

  • L’Ordine delle SS

    Etica e Ideologia

    Chi erano le SS e, più specificamente, le Waffen-SS? Cosa ne sappiamo? Cosa possiamo sapere su di essa? Questa è la missione che Edwige Thibaut, sfidando la leggerezza del secolo, ha avuto l’energia di affrontare. Questa vera e propria enciclopedia delle SS avrebbe potuto rimanere in un cassetto per sempre. Infatti, fino ad oggi, pur essendo stata oggetto di migliaia di libri, la SS è poco conosciuta, poco compresa, e spesso è stata deturpata da accuse sommarie, vicine al ridicolo o all’odioso.


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  • El Orden SS

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    El Orden SS

    Ética e Ideología

    ¿Quiénes eran las SS y, más concretamente, las Waffen-SS? ¿Qué sabemos de ella? ¿Qué podemos saber de ella? Tal es la misión que Edwige Thibaut, desafiando la ligereza del siglo, tuvo la energía de afrontar. Esta verdadera enciclopedia de las SS podría haber permanecido eternamente en un cajón. De hecho, hasta ahora, a pesar de haber sido objeto de miles de libros, las SS son poco conocidas, mal comprendidas, y a menudo han sido desfiguradas por acusaciones sumarias, cercanas a lo ridículo u odioso.


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  • The SS Order

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    The SS Order

    Ethics & Ideology

    Who was this SS and, more specifically, the Waffen-SS? What do we know about it? What can we know about it? Such is the mission that Edwige Thibaut, braving the lightness of the century, had the energy to face. This veritable encyclopaedia of the SS could have remained in a drawer forever. In fact, until now, despite having been the subject of thousands of books, the SS is little known, poorly understood, and has often been disfigured by summary accusations, close to the ridiculous or odious.


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  • Der SS-Orden

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    Der SS-Orden

    Ethik & Ideologie

    Wer war diese SS und insbesondere die Waffen-SS? Was wissen wir darüber? Was kann man darüber wissen? Das ist die Aufgabe, der sich Edwige Thibaut, der Leichtigkeit des Jahrhunderts trotzend, energisch gestellt hat. Diese wahre Enzyklopädie der SS hätte für immer in einer Schublade verrotten können. Nun riskiert ein wagemutiger Verleger die Veröffentlichung, trotz des enormen Inhalts.


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  • L’ordre SS

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    L’ordre SS

    Éthique & Idéologie

    Lorsqu’on examine d’un œil critique le déroulement et la conclusion de la guerre en 1945, on constate l’aboutissement d’un long processus commencé avec l’apparition des religions bibliques, à savoir que la morale et la notion de péché ont remplacé le sens de l’honneur et la politique. L’adversaire digne de respect s’est mué en un ennemi absolu porteur de tous les vices s’opposant à la « civilisation » et devant être à tout prix converti ou éliminé.


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