Svali is the pseudonym of an alleged former member of the Illuminati, a secretive and purportedly influential group believed by conspiracy theorists to exert control over world events. Svali claims to have been born into an Illuminati family and to have been involved in the organization’s activities before breaking away and becoming a whistleblower.
She gained attention in the early 2000s for her detailed accounts of the inner workings of the Illuminati, including descriptions of its hierarchy, rituals, and alleged involvement in various nefarious activities. Svali’s writings, which were primarily shared through internet forums and interviews, provided insights into the purported mindset and practices of the Illuminati.


Svali is the pseudonym of an alleged former member of the Illuminati, a secretive and purportedly influential group believed by conspiracy theorists to exert control over world events. Svali claims to have been born into an Illuminati family and to have been involved in the organization’s activities before breaking away and becoming a whistleblower.
She gained attention in the early 2000s for her detailed accounts of the inner workings of the Illuminati, including descriptions of its hierarchy, rituals, and alleged involvement in various nefarious activities. Svali’s writings, which were primarily shared through internet forums and interviews, provided insights into the purported mindset and practices of the Illuminati.

  • Le cronache di Svali – Liberarsi dal controllo mentale

    Testimonianza di un ex illuminato

    Per comprendere la programmazione della setta degli Illuminati, è necessario prima capire un po’ la struttura e la filosofia dell’organizzazione. Gli Illuminati sono un gruppo di persone che seguono una filosofia nota come illuminismo o illuminazione. Il nome degli Illuminati risale a diverse centinaia di anni fa, ma le loro radici e la loro storia possono essere fatte risalire alle antiche religioni misteriche dell’Egitto, dell’antica Babilonia e persino della Mesopotamia. Da queste antiche religioni, praticate segretamente per centinaia e centinaia di anni, emersero gruppi esoterici che continuarono a praticare i riti, le tradizioni e l’inculturazione portati dai gruppi originari.


  • Die Chroniken von Svali – Sich von Gedankenkontrolle befreien

    Zeugnis einer ehemaligen Illuminatin

    Um die Programmierung der Illuminatensekte zu verstehen, muss man zunächst ein wenig über die Struktur und die Philosophie der Organisation wissen. Die Illuminaten sind eine Gruppe von Menschen, die einer Philosophie folgen, die als Illuminismus oder Illumination bekannt ist. Die Illuminaten wurden vor mehreren hundert Jahren benannt, aber ihre Wurzeln und ihre Geschichte gehen auf die alten Mysterienreligionen Ägyptens, des alten Babylon und sogar Mesopotamiens zurück. Aus diesen alten Religionen, die über Hunderte und Aberhunderte von Jahren im Geheimen praktiziert wurden, entstanden esoterische Gruppen, die die von den ursprünglichen Gruppen mitgebrachten Riten, Traditionen und die Enkulturation weiter praktizierten.


  • The Svali Chronicles – Breaking free from mind control

    Testimony of an ex-illuminati

    To understand the programming of the Illuminati sect, it is necessary to first understand a little about the structure and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati is a group of people who follow a philosophy known as Illuminism or Enlightenment. The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but their roots and history can be traced back to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon and even Mesopotamia. From these ancient religions, practiced secretly for hundreds and hundreds of years, came esoteric groups that continued to practice the rituals, traditions and enculturation brought by the original groups.

  • Las crónicas de Svali – Liberarse del control mental

    Testimonio de una ex illuminati

    Para entender la programación de la secta de los Illuminati, primero es necesario comprender un poco la estructura y la filosofía de la organización. Los Illuminati son un grupo de personas que siguen una filosofía conocida como iluminismo o iluminación. Los Illuminati fueron nombrados hace varios cientos de años, pero sus raíces y su historia se remontan a las antiguas religiones de misterio de Egipto, la antigua Babilonia e incluso Mesopotamia. De estas antiguas religiones, practicadas en secreto durante cientos y cientos de años, surgieron grupos esotéricos que continuaron practicando los ritos, tradiciones y enculturación aportados por los grupos originales.


  • Les chroniques de Svali – S’affranchir du contrôle mental

    Témoignage d’une ex-illuminati

    Pour comprendre la programmation de la secte des Illuminati, il faut d’abord comprendre un peu la structure et la philosophie de l’organisation. Les Illuminati sont un groupe de personnes qui suivent une philosophie connue sous le nom d’ illuminisme ou d’ Illumination . Les Illuminati ont été nommés il y a plusieurs centaines d’années, mais leurs racines et leur histoire remontent aux anciennes religions à mystères de l’Égypte, de l’ancienne Babylone et même de la Mésopotamie. De ces anciennes religions, pratiquées secrètement pendant des centaines et des centaines d’années, sont nés des groupes ésotériques qui ont continué à pratiquer les rites, les traditions et l’enculturation apportés par les groupes d’origine.


  • Svali speaks

    In order to understand Illuminati cult programming, it is first necessary to understand a bit about the structure and philosophy of the organization. The Illuminati are a group of people who follow a philosophy known as ”Illuminism” or ”enlightenment”. The Illuminati were named several hundred years ago, but trace their roots and history to the ancient mystery religions of Egypt, ancient Babylon, and even Mesopotamia. Out of these ancient religions, which were practiced secretly over hundreds and hundreds of years, there arose esoteric groups which continued to practice the rites, traditions, and enculturation brought in from the original groups.

