Louis Marschalko, also known as Lajos Marschalko (11 September 1903 – 20 May 1968), was a Hungarian nationalist writer. Born in Betschermen, Austria-Hungary, Marschalko’s father was a secondary school teacher and his mother was a musician. He began his career writing for nationalistic newspapers and lived in Debrecen until 1936 before moving to Budapest. He authored the booklet “Who Betrayed Hungary in 1918-19,” which was banned after 1945 for its anti-Jewish and antisemitic content.
After World War II, Marschalko did not return to Hungary, fearing execution by the Bolsheviks. He stayed in Munich and attempted to emigrate to the USA, but his application was denied due to alleged Jewish influence. He then returned to Munich, where he worked during the day and wrote at night.
Marschalko’s writings often focused on the role of Jews in Hungary and globally, attributing significant political and social upheaval to Jewish influence.
Les Conquérants du Monde
Cet ouvrage exprime une partie de l’amertume et du mépris des Européens asservis à l’égard des dirigeants des “nations victorieuses”. Il montre qu’en étant incitées à se débarrasser du joug allemand, les nations d’Europe centrale ont été piégées et sont devenues des satellites de l’Union soviétique.
Los Conquistadores del Mundo
Desde hace más de un siglo, bajo diversos pretextos, se libra una batalla por el poder sobre las naciones. El ejercicio del poder se ha convertido en el objetivo supremo de muchas personas. Banqueros, políticos, clérigos, dirigentes sindicales y secretarios del Partido Comunista están todos a la caza del poder. Las tropas de asalto de las dictaduras ya no gritan las viejas consignas socialistas. Declaran abiertamente y pregonan brutalmente “Poder es lo que queremos”. Y los llamados partidos demócratas, aunque intentan mantenerlo en secreto, también han adoptado de hecho en sus corazones el grito de guerra dictatorial: “Poder es lo que queremos”. El poder, como la posesión de la varita mágica del mago, se ha convertido en su obsesión en la vida y no importa cómo se consiga, si a través de los partidos conservadores o laboristas o a través de las iglesias cristianas.
The World Conquerors
The real war criminals
WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of enslaved Europeans for the rulers of the “victorious nations”. It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet.