Pro-choice advocates maintain that such abortions are to save the life or health of the mother or terminate pregnancies where the “fetus” cannot survive birth or cannot survive much after birth.
Pro-life advocates maintain that the “fetuses” may be saved and that many of these abortions are done in cases that aren’t hopeless.
Here again we see extensive use of the word “fetus” when what should be said that it is a child in the womb or an unborn child. If the truth be known, most of the abortions performed in the U.S. are because the mother finds it inconvenient to have the baby and raise it like a normal mother would.
I maintain that when a woman agrees to an abortion in a non-life threatening situation, she has taken leave of her senses and should be adjudged “temporarily insane.”
Abortion should be explained as euphemism for “murder by deception.” For it is certain that to call a human baby a “fetus” is deception of the worst kind. Does a pregnant wife say to her husband, “I am pregnant; I am going to have your fetus!