Maurice Pinay was a pseudonym used by a group of traditionalist Catholic authors who collaborated on the book “The Plot Against the Church.” The book was first published in 1962 and was later translated into English. It presents a conspiracy theory alleging that Freemasons and Jews were engaged in a plot to undermine the Catholic Church.
Complotto contro la Chiesa
Si sta compiendo la più perversa cospirazione contro la Santa Chiesa. I suoi nemici tramano di distruggere le Sue più sacre tradizioni, realizzando riforme così audaci e malevole come quelle di Calvino, Zuinglio ed altri grandi eresiarchi, tutto con la finzione di modernizzare la Chiesa e metterla al livello dell’epoca, però, col proposito occulto di aprire le porte al comunismo, accelerare la rovina del mondo libero e preparare la futura distruzione del Cristianesimo.
The plot against the Church
It can be stated without fear of exaggeration that no book in the present century has been the object of so many commentaries in the world press… What gives this book definite, provable worth is that it deals with a magnificent and imposing compilation of documents and sources of undeniable importance and authenticity, which demonstrates with no room for doubt the existence of a great conspiracy, which the traditional enemies of the Church have prepared against Holy Catholic Church, and against the Free World.
Complot contra la Iglesia
Puede afirmarse sin temor a exagerar que ningún libro del presente siglo ha sido objeto de tantos comentarios en la prensa mundial… Lo que confiere a este libro un valor definitivo y demostrable es que se trata de una magnífica e imponente recopilación de documentos y fuentes de innegable importancia y autenticidad, que demuestra sin lugar a dudas la existencia de una gran conspiración, que los enemigos tradicionales de la Iglesia han preparado contra la Santa Iglesia Católica, y contra el Mundo Libre.
Complot contre l’Église
Sans crainte d’exagération, on peut assurer qu’aucun autre livre au cours de ce siècle n’a été l’objet d’autant de commentaires dans la presse mondiale. La valeur définitivement probante de ce livre provient de sa superbe et importante compilation de documents d’Histoire et de sources d’indiscutable importance et authenticité.