Planetarian Hopes

By (author)Hervé Ryssen


Cosmopolitan thinking is currently the dominant way of thinking throughout the West. It is the way an individual sees and understands the world through the prism of humanity, and no longer through what is close to him and what makes up his identity: his family, his language, his work, his region and his nation.


Contrary to the other countries of the world, the cosmopolitan Western individual defines himself as a “citizen of the world”. He was born on Earth, in a family that he did not choose, and expresses himself in a language that he believes was imposed on him. He thinks that the men of the whole world have a common origin – which has been confirmed by scientists – and that they have the vocation to merge again in a single people and thus to annul their differences and to prepare the universal and eternal peace on Earth.

The ideal would be, moreover, the disappearance of all languages, and that humanity would speak only one language so that men can understand and communicate with each other. The management of human affairs would evidently be turned over to a world government, whose wisdom and good judgment would surely reflect the hopes of mankind. This is the mental universe of the average European cosmopolitan man.


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