The Jewish Mafia

By (author)Hervé Ryssen


International Predators

Jews, through the media, are invariably presented as the victims of history. The idea of the Jew always persecuted for no reason is as old as Judaism itself. Thus, it is almost axiomatic to consider that Jews are incapable of evil. Therefore, a Jew who was both a gangster and a murderer may seem a priori surprising.


Joseph Roth, a famous Austrian Jewish writer of the interwar period wrote, for example, about the delinquency of Eastern Jews: “There is hardly a single robber. And no murderer or robber who murders.” But the reality is nevertheless quite different when one becomes a little more informed.

The celebrated writer Elie Wiesel, a “survivor of the death camps,” had the opportunity to do some research on the gangsters who spread terror in American cities. This he wrote in his memoirs: “I am preparing an investigation of the American underworld, the Mafia, and most particularly the Murder Incorporated hit men. Rummaging through the archives of various newspapers and municipal libraries, I have discovered with astonishment Jewish names. That’s right, in the 1920s and 1930s, Jewish professional killers offered their services to that criminal society. They agreed to murder men and women who had done nothing to them and whom they did not even know. It is said that some of them boasted of being a practicing Jew, wore the kippah during their “work” and scrupulously respected the Sabbath rest.”


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Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Omnia Veritas Ltd (9 Mar. 2023)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1805400452
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1805400455
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.01 x 22.86 cm

Table of contents

Part One

From Yiddishland to Brooklyn

Chapter 1: The American Gangsters

Yiddish Connection
Torah Nostra – The Crime Syndicate
Murder Incorporated
The Song of the Canary
Bugsy Siegel in Hollywood
Fight fascism, support Israel
The Wanderings of Meyer Lansky
The invisible mafia

Chapter 2: Russia under the yoke of the oligarchs

The plunder of Russia
Mafia democracy
Nothing like a good war
The fall of the oligarchs
The Invisible Mafia II

Chapter 3: The "Russian mafia" takes over the world

On the Azure Coast
From Berlin to Marbella
The Organizatsiya in the USA
M&S International – Antwerp, Vilnius, Bangkok, Bogotá
International predators and a world without borders
The quest for respectability
The Mafia in Israel

Part Two

Business without borders

Chapter 1: Arms, drugs and diamonds

The Diamond Industry
Paramilitary militias in Colombia
Hashish, cocaine, heroin
Ecstasy trafficking: 100% Kasher
Diamond dealers and the laundering of dirty money
A long tradition
Detoxification and decriminalisation

Chapter 2: The Porn Mafia

Sexual liberation
The promoters of porn cinema
Porn in every home
The pioneers of pornography
Sex shops and prostitution: the Sefarade Connection

Chapter 3: The White Slave Trade

Sex slaves in Israel
Cyprus and Migrant Trafficking
The Golden Age of the White Slave Trade
The Lemberg Trial
Eros centre in defeated Germany
A long tradition
The Dialectic of the Jewish Intellectuals

Chapter 4: The Black Slave Trade

The Atlantic slave trade I: The Portuguese
The Atlantic slave trade II: in the United States
In Martinique and Guadeloupe
The Debate

Chapter 5: The Christian Slaves

To America
Slavery in the Mediterranean
In the Middle Ages and in Antiquity

Chapter 6: The Organ Trade

The Bodies of the Palestinians
Fresh meat from Moldova
From Brazil to South Africa
Chinese suppliers
From Ukraine to Azerbaijan
Trafficking continues in Israel
Kosovo's yellow house
The accusatory investment
Cosmetic surgery
Organ trafficking and Jewish morality

Part Three

Swindlers and Traffickers

Chapter 1: The Great Swindles

Claude Lipsky, "the swindler of the century".
Jacques Crozemarie and the ARC scandal
The Sentier case
Racehorses and mechanics
The VAT fraud
Swindling the community
Samuel Flatto-Sharon
In England and the United States
Under the Third French Republic (1870-1940)

Chapter 2: The Traffickers

Monsieur Michel and Monsieur Joseph
Shenanigans and company
The Gold Rush
The Pillage of the Defeated Countries

Chapter 3: Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism through the Ages
Jewish Uniqueness



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