First of all, Semites are not of European origin; they are ethnically close to Arabs, not Gauls. Secondly, Jews belong first and foremost to the people of Israel, which is their national community. Finally, Judaism religiously endorses the oldest form of racism the world has ever known. Only the chosen people belong to the very essence of God; all other human beings are likened to animals. Rabbis don’t proselytise, converting animals to Judaism is pointless. Proof of his treachery, the Jew calls himself a Frenchman of Romanian origin (François Copé, Pierre Moscovici), a Frenchman of Hungarian origin (Nicolas Sarkozy), a Frenchman of Luxembourg origin (Stéphane Bern), a Frenchman of Spanish origin (David Pujadas)… When they don’t call themselves French, Jews call themselves European, Corsican, Breton… A citizen of the world. But never, oh never, do they call themselves Jewish.