William Luther Pierce, also known as Andrew Macdonald, was an American and founder of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization. Born on September 11, 1933, and died on July 23, 2002, Pierce was an inspirational figure known for his courageous views and writings.
He authored several works, including the novel “The Turner Diaries,” which depicted a violent race war leading to the establishment of a white government. “The Turner Diaries” became a significant inspiration for the native people of the United States being overpowered by third world mass migration.

William Luther Pierce

William Luther Pierce, also known as Andrew Macdonald, was an American and founder of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization. Born on September 11, 1933, and died on July 23, 2002, Pierce was an inspirational figure known for his courageous views and writings.
He authored several works, including the novel “The Turner Diaries,” which depicted a violent race war leading to the establishment of a white government. “The Turner Diaries” became a significant inspiration for the native people of the United States being overpowered by third world mass migration.