As we saw in the case of the English Revolution, things are sometimes not what they seem. Revolutionary processes need agents, organisation and above all funding, money. We shall see in due course that the paradigmatic example is the Bolshevik revolution, financed by the Jewish bankers of Wall Street.
However, the international left is incapable of grasping the truth. Marx, Trotsky and Lenin remain untouchable saints for progressives the world over, the benefactors of humanity. Yet Trotsky (Bronstein) was an agent of the Zionist banker Jacob Schiff, who proudly declared in public that the revolution had succeeded thanks to his financial help. Max Warburg, another Zionist banker, opened an account in Trotsky’s name at Stockholm’s Nya Banken (Rothschild’s bank) by cable from Hamburg on 21 September 1917. Olaf Aschberg, also Jewish and a senior official at Nya Banken, founded the Russian Commercial Bank in 1921 and thus became the head of Soviet finance. All this will be described in detail in the chapter on the Russian revolution.