Truth and synthesis
Attached to their community, Jews cannot be assimilated. The genius of the Jewish people is to have presented the Jewish problem in its religious aspect alone. According to the Jew, there are French people of the Jewish faith, just as there are French people of the Catholic faith. Many goyim (strangers to the Jewish people) have fallen into this trap. Monsignor Lustiger is a typical example of a Catholic Jew.
Heidegger’s silence and the secret of Jewish tragedy
This long presentation is motivated by a concern for synthetic truth. I give it to you without any hope of an intelligent and exhaustive response. Apart from Simone Weil, Bernard Lazare, Bergson and a few other fellow Jews, I have never met an intellectually honest Jew. I see nothing but their lies and bad faith oozing out everywhere. I wish I were not among the Jews, a rare exception capable of probity and synthesis.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion
The Weight of 3000 Years
The first difficulty is that, over the last one hundred and fifty years, the term ‘Jew’ has come to be used in two very different ways. To understand this, let’s imagine ourselves back in 1780. At that time, the meaning of this term for everyone coincided with what the Jews themselves considered to be the constitutive basis of their own identity.