Revisionist Writings II

By (author)Robert Faurisson



Over the last few months there has been a veritable fever of anti-Nazism in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. You’d think the Nazis were back. I suppose that the general public is watching this phenomenon with growing perplexity. Perhaps they think this fever is due to the approach of the fortieth anniversary of 8 May 1945, the date of the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.

If the general public really thinks that, they are mistaken. This excitement will not subside after 8 May, or even at the end of 1985. On the contrary, it would increase. Its real motive has nothing to do with what happened forty years ago. Its real motive is to be found in the most burning current events. Jewish and Zionist organisations throughout the world are experiencing a tragedy. A myth from which they have sought to profit is being exposed: the myth of the so-called ‘Holocaust of the Jews during the Second World War’.

Revisionist historians are currently responsible for questioning the history of the last war as a whole and, in particular, the history of the concentration camps used by the Germans in Hitler’s time.

Revisionists have never denied the existence of these camps. However, they point out that the Germans were neither the first nor the last to use such camps. There is therefore no specific Nazi crime here.

They also admit that some of these camps had crematoria. Corpses were burnt in these ovens. This is not a crime. Even today, in many modern countries, cremation is tending to replace burial.

The Germans used disinfectant gas chambers in all the concentration camps. This was not a crime either; it was a hygienic necessity. The disinfectant used was sometimes hydrocyanic acid. In its commercial form it was called ‘Zyklon’ or ‘Zyklon B’.

The real crime of the Germans, we have been told tirelessly for forty years, was to have used enormous gas chambers specially designed to kill people and, in particular, Jews. These homicidal gas chambers would have constituted the specific weapon of a specific crime, itself called ‘genocide’, i.e. the systematic extermination of a race.


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Product details

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Omnia Veritas Ltd (29 Nov. 2024)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 474 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1805402641
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1805402640
Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 15.24 x 2.41 x 22.86 cm

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