The High Cost of Vengeance
25,00 €FOLLOWING WORLD WAR I FRANCE AND BRITAIN REFUSED TO LISTEN to the statesmen who said that you can have peace or vengeance, not both. They broke their armistice pledge to Germany that peace would be made on the basis of President Wilson’s Fourteen Points and “the principles of settlement enunciated” by the American President. They continued the starvation blockade of Germany for six months after the Armistice, in order to force the German democrats who had taken over the government to sign a dictated peace.
The World Conquerors
28,00 €The real war criminals
WORLD CONQUERORS expresses some of the bitterness and contempt of enslaved Europeans for the rulers of the “victorious nations”. It shows that by being urged to throw off the German yoke, the central European nations were tricked into becoming satellites of the Soviet.
Hitler’s Secret Backers
18,00 €The Financial Sources of National Socialism
The book you are about to read is one of the most extraordinary historical documents of the 20th century. Where did Hitler get the funds and the backing to achieve power in 1933 Germany? Did these funds come only from prominent German bankers and industrialists or did funds also come from American bankers and industrialists?