Truth and synthesis
Attached to their community, Jews cannot be assimilated. The genius of the Jewish people is to have presented the Jewish problem in its religious aspect alone. According to the Jew, there are French people of the Jewish faith, just as there are French people of the Catholic faith. Many goyim (strangers to the Jewish people) have fallen into this trap. Monsignor Lustiger is a typical example of a Catholic Jew.
Heidegger’s silence and the secret of Jewish tragedy
This long presentation is motivated by a concern for synthetic truth. I give it to you without any hope of an intelligent and exhaustive response. Apart from Simone Weil, Bernard Lazare, Bergson and a few other fellow Jews, I have never met an intellectually honest Jew. I see nothing but their lies and bad faith oozing out everywhere. I wish I were not among the Jews, a rare exception capable of probity and synthesis.
Jewish History, Jewish Religion
The Weight of 3000 Years
The first difficulty is that, over the last one hundred and fifty years, the term ‘Jew’ has come to be used in two very different ways. To understand this, let’s imagine ourselves back in 1780. At that time, the meaning of this term for everyone coincided with what the Jews themselves considered to be the constitutive basis of their own identity.
The track of the jew through the ages
One of the most characteristic and significant signs of the hostility of the Jews towards the Europeans is their hatred of Christianity. Rosenberg gives samples of this hatred from the Talmud as well as from the work called Toledot Yeshu which purports to give an account of the life of Jesus. Indeed it is not surprising that the Church increasingly proscribed Jewish works:
The mirror of judaism
Jews are scattered in all countries of the world, although they reside mainly in countries of European origin. Most of them are of Ashkenazi origin, i.e. those from Central and Eastern Europe who left in successive waves from the end of the 19th century onwards. A minority, also spread throughout the world, comes from the Mediterranean basin: these are the “Sephardic” Jews. But there are also black Jews in Ethiopia called Falashas, as well as Jews in India and China, who also claim to be “perfectly integrated”. So Jews are not a race.
From Kabbalah to progressivism
The natural-supernatural truths stem from a tradition communicated by God directly to man from the first day of human existence. This tradition is partly recorded in writing in the books of the Old and New Testament. We call this the Judaeo-Catholic tradition. For it is the tradition that is faithfully preserved first among the people of Israel, as long as they accept the rule of Yahweh, and then in the Roman Catholic Church, especially in its public magisterium. Strictly speaking, this tradition predates the existence of the Jewish people, which begins with Abraham and Moses. The Judeo-Catholic tradition to which we refer is that of the great patriarchs of humanity, that of Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We call it Judeo-Catholic and not Judeo-Christian in order to avoid the misunderstanding to which the name ‘Christian’ is subjected in modern language.
200 Years Together I
The history of the ‘Jewish Problem’ in Russia (and Russia only?) is above all else exceptionally rich. Talking about it means listening to new voices and passing them on to the reader. (In this book, the Jewish voices will be heard more often than those of the Russians.)
But the whirlwinds of the social climate force us towards the razor’s edge. You can feel the weight of both sides, all the grievances and accusations, plausible as well as improbably, which grow as they go.
200 Years Together II
In 1990, while finishing April 1917 and sorting out the enormous amount of material not included in The Red Wheel, I decided to present some of that material in the form of a historical essay about Jews in the Russian revolution.
Yet it became clear almost immediately that in order to understand those events the essay must step back in time. Thus, it stepped back to the very first incorporation of the Jews into the Russian Empire in 1772. On the other hand, the revolution of 1917 provided a powerful impetus to Russian Jewry, so the essay naturally stretched into the post-revolutionary period. Thus, the title Two Hundred Years Together was born.
History of anti-Semitism
The history of Judaism is that of a people – or a sect – at permanent war against the rest of humanity. At all times and in all places, Jews have given rise to anti-Semitism. The script always unfolds in the same way: after the violence and settling of scores, the goyim (non-Jews) legislate to try to curb the phenomenon and eventually expel the undesirables. But inevitably, after a certain period of time, the undesirables manage to re-enter the square, corrupt the kings and lords, and resume their trafficking and intrigues, without having learned anything from their past mistakes. This history has been repeating itself for nearly three thousand years.
Israel’s billions
Jewish swindlers and international financiers
Jews have a very particular relationship with money. This is not a hateful “anti-Semitic prejudice”, but a tangible reality, as Jews are vastly overrepresented among the world’s billionaires.
The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – I
Racist physicist Albert Einstein became internationally famous in 1919 when newspapers around the world reported that he had correctly predicted that the gravitational field of the sun would deflect rays of light. The press promoted the virulently racist and segregationist Zionist, Albert Einstein, as if he were the world’s greatest mind, a mind that had surpassed the genius of Copernicus, Galileo and Newton.
The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – II
Germany had been very good to the Jews. German Jews were the wealthiest people in the world. In the years following the First World War, the Germans resented the fact that the Jews, Einstein being their chief spokesman, had stabbed the Germans in the back during the war, and then twisted the knife at the peace negotiations in France, where a large contingent of Jews decided Germany’s fate, and reneged on Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points, one of which assured Germany that it would lose no territory. The Germans had thought that Wilson’s pledge would be honored after the Germans had surrendered in good faith. Had not the Germans received this promise of the Fourteen Points, they would not have surrendered and were in a position to continue the war. The promise was broken.
The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – III
The First World War emancipated the Jews of Russia. Turkey and Germany were greatly weakened and were further crippled by unjust debts placed on them through treacherous treaties. Jews in Eastern Europe were segregated and seemed ready for emigration to Palestine—though most did not wish to go. In 1916, France and Britain divided up the Mid-East amongst themselves in the Sykes-Picot Agreement. At the San Remo conference in 1920, the British granted themselves the right to rule of Palestine and the French granted themselves the right to rule Syria. The Jews pushed for the ratification of the Palestine Mandate in the League of Nations so that they could enforce their bogus interpretation of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – IV
Zionists have always employed the bogey of “anti-Semitism” to force Jews into segregation. After thousands of years of planning and work, the Jewish bankers had finally accumulated enough wealth to buy Palestine and destroy the Gentile world in fulfillment of Jewish Messianic prophecy. They only lacked one resource needed to become King of the Jews, the Holy Messiah. That one last necessary ingredient for fulfillment of the prophecies of the End Times was the Jewish People, the majority of whom rejected Zionism. The Jewish bankers had an ancient solution for that problem. They manufactured an anti-Semitic dictator who segregated the Jews and filled them with the fear of God. Palestine was for the fearful remnant. Those who would not obey were to have their necks broken and be thrown into the well.
The manufacture and sale of St Einstein – V
Popular myth has it that Albert Einstein originated the concept of “space-time”. However, not only did Einstein not originate the idea of “space-time”, he vigorously opposed it for quite some space of time. In fact, space-time theories have been quite common in folk-lore, philosophy, mathematics, religion, science, science fiction, psychology, and are even inherent in some languages.
“Kill the best gentiles!”
WE ARE WITNESSING today on the world stage a tragedy of enormous proportions: the calculated destruction of the White Race and the incomparable culture it represents. Europe, former fortress of the West, is now over-run by hordes of non-Whites and mongrels. The same is true of Australia and Canada. The once productive White civilizations of Rhodesia and South Africa, extorted by the ILLUMINATI and its enforcement unit, the United States, have been forced into DEMOCRATIC governments, thereby surrendering their White families to the mercy of numerically superior and mentally inferior Negroes whose ancestors were incapable of inventing even the wheel. The most concentrated attacks on the White Race, however, are occurring in the United States of America.
The Riddle of the Jew’s Success
If there are riddles in the history of the nations, then the Jews most certainly present one of the chief instances; and, whoever has occupied himself with the problems of humanity, without advancing so far as the great problem of the Jews, has, so far as knowledge and experience of life are concerned, merely skimmed the surface of the subject.
The Controversy of Zion
It is one of the commonplaces of history that adverse circumstances offer no obstacle to men of outstanding energy and ability. Douglas Reed, who described himself as “relatively unschooled”, started out in life as an office boy at the age of thirteen and he was a bank clerk at nineteen before enlisting at the outbreak of World War I. A less promising preparation for a man destined to be one of the most brilliant political analysts and descriptive writers of the century could hardly be imagined. He was already 26 years old when he reached the London Times in 1921 as a telephonist and clerk; and he was 30 when he finally reached journalism as sub-editor.