Proscribed History I
Freedom, democracy and independence are prestigious words to which no one associates negative connotations. Revolution is also one of those words with positive connotations that enjoy generally accepted prestige. Who hasn’t thought at one time or another that a revolution was necessary to change everything? History teaches students that revolutions happen because people, tired of suffering and arbitrariness, rise up against a series of unacceptable events or things that provoke the revolution. No matter how many crimes the revolutionaries had to commit to achieve their aims, the end will justify the means. History explains that after revolutions, a new order is established that puts an end to the previous injustice and represents a step towards freedom, democracy or independence.
Proscribed History II
While Lord Curzon acknowledged that the Treaty of Versailles was not a peace treaty but a cessation of hostilities, Ezra Pound referred to it on Radio Rome, stating bluntly: The real crime is to end one war in order to make the next inevitable . The spectral pretensions to a peace without victors or vanquished, i.e. on the basis of President Wilson’s programme, not only faded dramatically in Paris, but were transformed into humiliating conditions that cruelly punished the German people.
Proscribed History III
In 1938, preparations for war were underway and many agents were working stealthily in various countries to bring it about. These included, to name but a few, Lord Halifax, Lord Vansittart, Duff Cooper, Leo Amery, Paul Reynaud, Georges Mandel, William Bullitt and others whom we will talk about later.
Proscribed History IV
Never in the history of mankind has there been a circumstance such as the one we are going to study in this chapter: a historical fact has become a dogma of faith and cannot be questioned by historians, scientists or researchers in any branch of knowledge.
The trail of the Serpent
FIVE years ago we published Light Bearers of Darkness, largely based on our own experiences and investigations into various individual secret societies, their affiliations, their occult practices, their pseudo religious and political activities.
To-day, in The Trail of the Serpent, we issue a further instalment of these researches, built up almost wholly from contributions to the Patriot from 1930 to 1935. Going back to Patriarchal times, we attempt to trace, step by step, the worship of the ancient Serpent, the Creative Principle, the God of all initiates, from the early Cabiri, through Paganism to the pseudo-Christianity of the Gnostics and Cabalists, these latter largely emanating under the influence of the Hellenised Jews of Alexandria.
Light-bearers of Darkness
This book is an attempt to show, by means of actual investigations, of documentary evidence, and personal knowledge of the inner workings, that this present movement for World Revolution leading to World Domination is but an age-long and culminating, fanatical effort on the part of some Overshadowing Power working through many secret illuminised sects.
Scarlet and the Beast – Trilogy
- Scarlet and the Beast I – A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry
- Scarlet and the Beast II – Two Faces of Freemasonry
- Scarlet and the Beast III – English freemasonry banks and the illegal drug trade
Vrijmetselarij van A tot Z
De vrijmetselarij wordt vaak beschreven als een “geheim genootschap”, maar de vrijmetselaars zelf vinden dat het correcter is om te zeggen dat het een esoterisch genootschap is, voor zover bepaalde aspecten privé zijn. De meest gangbare formulering is dat de vrijmetselarij in de eenentwintigste eeuw minder een geheim genootschap is geworden en meer een “genootschap van geheimen”. De privé-aspecten van de moderne vrijmetselarij zijn de manieren van herkenning tussen leden en bepaalde elementen van het ritueel. Vrijmetselaren kunnen bijvoorbeeld aan nieuwkomers die ze ontmoeten vragen “bent u op het plein?”.
共济会经常被描述为 “秘密社会”,但共济会自己认为,说它是一个神秘的社会更为正确,因为有些方面是私人的。最常见的提法是,21世纪的共济会已经不再是一个秘密社团,而是一个’秘密社会’。现代共济会的私人方面是成员之间的承认方式和仪式的特定要素。例如,共济会员可能会问他们遇到的新来者 “你在广场上吗?
Scarlet and the Beast III
English freemasonry, banks, and the illegal drug trade
English Freemasonry is wealthy and capitalistic, controlling the money and rulers of the world through banking and commerce. French Freemasonry, on the other hand, is poor and communistic, attempting to control state finances through an all-powerful socialistic government. English Freemasonry, Banks, and the Illegal Drug Trade documents how English Freemasonry has acquired domination and control of world banking, including possession of most of the world’s gold, and how today she is destroying the Judeo-Christian heritage of the West by financing the growth, manufacture, and trafficking of illegal drugs worldwide.
Scarlet and the Beast I
A history of the war between English and French Freemasonry
My research has revealed that there are two separate and opposing powers in Freemasonry. One, headquartered in London, subscribes to and promotes an idolatrous and pantheistic view of the world. It is monarchist, capitalistic, wealthy, right-wing. The other, in Paris, is atheistic and humanistic in origin and outlook. It is republican, socialist, poor, left-wing.
Scarlet and the Beast II
Two Faces of Freemasonry
Freemasonry is a religion of works. One of its many symbols is the balance. Masons believe they will be judged by their works, based upon the balance of right and wrong in their lives. In this Picture Book you will see the true nature of Freemasonry. In II Cor. 11:13-15 we read of the “works” religions: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”